In automated highrise warehouse, the dwell point location of narrow-aisle stacker crane is a critical factor which affects the whole systems response time. 自动化立体仓库堆垛机作业待命位是影响存储系统反应时间的一个决定性因素。
One of the critical problems in distributed performance monitoring is how to place proper number of monitoring agents in proper locations in a managed network can improve monitoring efficiency, that is, decrease monitoring traffic and response time. 分布式性能监测管理的关键问题是如何在管理域中的适当位置放置适当数目的代理,才能达到提高监测效率,减小额外监测流量和响应时间的目的。
Selecting a capacitor with the critical capacitance reduces the output voltage fall by about 40%, but increases response time; 取临界(优化的)电容值可使电压波动减小约40%,但延长了响应时间;
So this imposes critical request to the response time of queries and makes improving efficiency of OLAP queries the key issue in Data Warehouse application. 这种使用方式对查询响应速度提出了很高的要求,使得提到OLAP查询效率成为数据仓库应用中的关键问题。
However, some critical problems in the implementation of holographic information storage using the materials are the long response time, the low ability of the light scattering resistance and the erase of the stored information during readout a hologram. 但是,晶体的响应时间长、抗光散射能力低和读取过程中读出光对全息的擦除等缺点已成为影响体全息存储技术实用化中的一些关键问题。